Sunday, November 30, 2008

What makes us happy?

Have you ever wondered what truly makes you happy? The chances are that most of us will wonder about this for days together and probably still not find an answer.

We want wealth, success, fame, power, cars, lands, and many many more things. But do they make you happy? Will that give you satisfaction when you die? Face it, we will simply die one day, and it will still be a normal day on Earth. Nothing great will happen to the world. Everyone will mourn for a day or two, and then everyone is back to reality. People back to jobs, children back to schools and whatever you have probably established working fine as usual. Does it make a difference to anyone? Yes, it does to you. Cause you are dead. You are done with all the time you had on the planet. You can do nothing anymore, and you are nothing besides a name tag on a piece of marble or a photo on some wall that no one would really be interested in looking at.

Feel the fear? I guess everyone will. Cause we have been so busy thinking about ourselves, about our needs, our wants, our ego, our pride, our position, our wealth, our, our,our, our, our, mine, mine, mine, mine, me, me, me, me, me, me and yet me again. Tired just reading about this? Did we even wonder about this all this while, when you and me were busy thinking about "me"?

We will all go from this place one fine day. Its like one of those stories where God says "here you are, you can do whatever you want, take a life." We struggled our entire life, learn't new things, fought, achieved, and then finally one day he is like "okay dear time's up." Is it fair? Probably not for most of us. Why not? Because we have taken a lot of pain to reach up till here and no one has the right to take it back from us. Or that's what we think. Did you think about that little bug that was sitting on your hand that you killed without even thinking twice? Was it all its life was worth? It deserved to live, to enjoy the sunshine, the flowers that we see, the breeze that we feel. Do we ever give? Leave aside the insects, plants and animals, cause if I do talk about what we have done to them, we would probably need to put an end to all our activities cause of the guilt that would arise out of this thinking.

Thinking about all this, I wonder what this life is about and why we are here. And it comes back to what makes us happy. The point is whatever makes us happy for our entire life does not give us even an iota of happiness or satisfaction when we die. Then what makes us happy?

Have you ever tried saving the life of a small bug thats dying on a water drop? Have you ever not killed a red ant that just stung you? Have you always been kind to the people around you? Have you ever been giving without even expecting a single thing in return? Have you ever lived even a small fraction of your life, not for yourself but for someone else? Not just a human, but even animals, insects, plants. Have you ever kept aside your ego even when you knew you were wrong? Have you ever controlled our tongues and thought for a second before we hurt someone else? Have any answers? If you have, then you know what I am talking about. The bliss that you feel deep with in you. Its unexplainable. It takes away the fear of death. You no longer worry about anything.

What is this life about? It surely isn't about money, power, position, comfort. Then what is it? Its all about what we give. What we give, comes back to us. Maybe not immediately, but it does, when we least expect it to. Life is all about doing the right thing, being just, being fair. Think about it. Your children can inherit wealth, but they surely cannot buy happiness within their hearts with that wealth, can they? How will they ever get it themselves when they never knew what it felt like? Did we ever teach them that? Did we even think about giving them that?

We are like the small flap of that butterfly that creates wonders around the whole world. Its upto us to decide what we create out of it, a storm that destroys everything, or a pleasant breeze that soothes someone's pain. There is definitely a lot to write about, but there is probably more to think about.


shweta said...

nice thots...

Unknown said...

amazing!..well written..also amazing is d way ur brain can think such wondeful thots and conjure up devilish ideas at d same time,wen it wants trouble us fr example!:) in awe of u..ur writing to be precise.. wish i cud write like dat too..keep it up..:)

Unknown said...

Wow! Great thinking. If all on earth had thoughts like this, I am sure it is heaven on earth. I was not aware that you cud pen down the facts of life in such a wonderful way. I am Proud of you dear. :)

Maithili said...

Wonderful thoughts Nikhil. In this world where everyone is chasing materialistic gains to inflate their super huge egos, its great that you go way beyond those things. :) Great thinking